Page name: Naruto Obsessers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-29 06:10:08
Last author: Piercedskull
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 11
Fans: 0
D20: 15
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~*~Naruto Obsessers~*~


This Wiki is for people so obsessed with the anime Naruto, that they would either A) Die B) Cut their wrists or C) Sue the cable company if it was ever taken off the air.




Naruto Obsessers Memberlist (just add your name)



Naruto Obsessers Fanart (all your Naruto fanart)


Naruto Obsessers RP (we RP here)


Naruto Obsesser Random Stuff (images, cosplay, other Naruto wikis ect.)


Naruto Obsessers Badges


Dividers By: Elftown Graphics

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2007-02-05 [Surimia]: ^_^

2007-02-05 [Aki Neko]: meow

2007-02-05 [Aki Neko]: woot.

2007-02-05 [~ShadowWind~]: omg... must join!!>.<

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: lol go right on ahead! :P

2007-02-05 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: O.O *Dies from the EVIL laughter*

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: Yey Hinata floaty head!

2007-02-05 [Firesong k'Treva]: Dattebayo!!

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: Whats that mean?

2007-02-05 [Hiro Kitaki]: bevile it!

2007-02-05 [Firesong k'Treva]: eheh.. I don't think it means anything. It's just something Naruto finishes each sentence with (in the Japanese version, at least. In the English version, he says "Believe it!!" instead)..

2007-02-05 [Firesong k'Treva]: -_- I don't like the English version..

2007-02-05 [Hiro Kitaki]: aye.

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: ..... >.> *Takes baseball bat to american Narutos head* NO! JAPENESE NARUTO FOREVER!

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: YEAH JAPANESE FOREVER! i cant stand he english voice actors for naruto >_< UGH XD

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: =^_^=

2007-02-05 [Firesong k'Treva]: The only GOOD thing about the English version is the fact that my favorite voice actor was in it. He played Ebisu... which was kind of weird, but beggers can't be choosers, ne?

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: Im on episode 202....... so many...

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: the next ep or me to see is 220, which is out on friday...ITS THE LAST FILLER!

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: .......

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: ......?

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: hmmm i said i would draw a banner for this..i still havent, opps X3

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: Im a hopeless drawererererer......

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: awww. i duno what to draw for the banner, have you any ideas for me?

2007-02-05 [Evolution X]: our characters?

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: i think im gonna quickly sketch a few, then ask you guys to decide which is best, then i will finish it X3 hmmmmm scrap that, i will finish one, then tell me if its ok, pwease!

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: is this ok for a banner?

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: yeah!!

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: yey ^_^

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: its okay lol I drew myself too :P

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: hehe ^_^ gotta love kakashi. *hugs kakashi plushie*

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: *huggles Hayate plushie*

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: hayate is such a cool character, shame, he was only in it for a short while

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: i know TT_TT

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: i like genma too, ha they would have made a cute couple *is yaoi fangirl* XD

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: yeah they wouldve!! XD Naruto guys the third and second to ast I put up :P

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: awsome! ha i have the urge to draw them XD if i do, and it turns out well, i will be sure to show you X3

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: yay!!!

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: hehe ^__^

2007-02-05 [Surimia]: woodles! cute banner!~

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: sankyou ^^

2007-02-05 [Surimia]: gawd, everyone i know draws better'n me...

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: awwww gomen X3
ooooh tsome-chan! i have sketched hayate and genma..togehter XD hopefully i will colour it tomorrow for the world to see XD

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: yay!!!!!!!!

2007-02-05 [Surimia]: oh lord. now tso will go insane.

2007-02-05 [*akuma*]: hehehe X3 a fangirl muct do, what a fangirl must do i guess!
anyways im off now, speak to you guys soooooooooon!

2007-02-05 [XxTsomexX]: see ya

2007-02-05 [Surimia]: awwww byes U_U

2007-02-05 [Surimia]: <img://>
floaty head invasion!!!

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: you can put the floaty heads in Naruto Obsessers Random Stuff

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: did so...along with a million other GIFs :P

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: yay!!

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: <img://>
tee-hee...narutards only! the NEW emoticons!!!

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: squee

2007-02-06 [Hiro Kitaki]: <img:>

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: seeen it lol

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: heloooo? anyone here?

2007-02-06 [Hiro Kitaki]: no.

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: poo on you.

2007-02-06 [Hiro Kitaki]: lol.

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: <img://>

2007-02-06 [Hiro Kitaki]: <img:44166_1164145272.gif>

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: wot?

2007-02-06 [Hiro Kitaki]: nothing...

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: k...........

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: weeee

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: ?

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: omg sad song

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: ???

2007-02-06 [Piercedskull]: *glomps gaara*

2007-02-06 [Evolution X]: ..... *surprise glomp of Hinata*

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol *huggles Hayate*


2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: <img:44166_1164145262.gif>

2007-02-06 [Evolution X]: Sorry...

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: XD its okay, im just cranky... not in school... was at the hospitaL since 2am and just got home at 8 am -.-

2007-02-06 [Evolution X]: ?_? why were you in hospital?

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: i wasnt... my mom is and shes still there

2007-02-06 [*akuma*]: tsome-chan.....for you X3 genma and hayate XD
clicky clicky!

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: *jaw drops*

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: *whistles*

2007-02-06 [*akuma*]: you like it? X3

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: *starts to drool*

2007-02-06 [*akuma*]: i take that as a yes the XD

2007-02-06 [Surimia]: oh lord....get the floodgear, she's gonna give us a river of drool.

2007-02-07 [Iruvielle]: hello hello.... i need some random help... lol.... something to do with Naruto's summoning the frog whatchamacallit, and ending up with a tad pole! *laughs hysterically* what do you call it?? lol... i need the proper name for my story i'm writing...

2007-02-07 [Piercedskull]: Kuchiyose no jutsu

2007-02-07 [Iruvielle]: ok! thanks!!!!!! That helps ALOT!!!! XXXXD!!!

2007-02-07 [Piercedskull]: Chii^^

2007-02-07 [Surimia]: squee. summoning justsu.
and yah...tadpoles are funny ^^

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: ^_^ *puts bucket under Tsomes drool waterfall*

2007-02-07 [Iruvielle]: heehee... yes, the tadpoles are funny... and it's now written into my story.....and it's HILARIOUS!!!!

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: Im trying to draw a banner, dont worry if it sucks I wont put it up here.

2007-02-07 [Surimia]: dony worry, it cant suck more than my sucky drawings.

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: Yours are good. ^_^

2007-02-07 [XxTsomexX]: they are all good ^_^

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: MINE SUCKS! WOO!

2007-02-07 [Piercedskull]: *glomps everyone*

2007-02-07 [Surimia]: gwahck

2007-02-07 [XxTsomexX]: lol hi merc

2007-02-07 [Piercedskull]: Myuu!

2007-02-07 [Surimia]: <img://>

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: Hi merc. ^_^

2007-02-07 [Piercedskull]: Myuuu!*glomps Gaara*

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: I guessed you liked him.

2007-02-07 [XxTsomexX]: yay vday entry!!

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: Whats Vday?

2007-02-07 [Surimia]: ?

2007-02-07 [XxTsomexX]: valentines day

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: oh right...

2007-02-07 [Piercedskull]: I hate vday..

2007-02-07 [*akuma*]: ha, im not a big fan either >_>

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: Its just another day for me.

2007-02-07 [*akuma*]: im glad im not in college that day (its half term next week) id rather not be surrounded by lovey dovey couples who are attached to eachother

2007-02-07 [XxTsomexX]: i love vday!

2007-02-07 [Evolution X]: We got that...

2007-02-07 [Iruvielle]: i hate vday too! makes me depressed seeing all those happy couples, then seeing little me all alone!!! :P

2007-02-07 [Surimia]: what they said.

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: GAAAAAAAH!!! SCARY IMAGE!!!!! *bangs head on the wall* BANG BANG BANG BANG

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: lol-ness...tsome!

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: *bang bang bang bang bang*

2007-02-08 [XxTsomexX]: XD thanks hiro :P i liked it that much!

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: lol!

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: *bang bang bang bang bang*
ow. im bleeding from the brain. oh well.
*bang bang bang bang*

2007-02-08 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: MY BRAIN ISH BLEEDING!!!!
*bang bang bang*
oooh look the wall is all messy now.
*bang bang bang*

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...



2007-02-08 [Surimia]: *bang bang bang bang bang*

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: *gets out a pack of dynamite* who said bang?

2007-02-08 [Iruvielle]: *backs away slowly* alriiiiiighty then.....

2007-02-08 [Piercedskull]: *eats the dynamite*Yum^^*sees the dancing Gaara*SQUEE!

2007-02-08 [Iruvielle]: *dances with the dancing Gaara* even though he'll probably kill me now.... *hides*

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: I dont think we'll let him kill you... will we? *restrains people holding kunai yelling 'kill'*

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: *comes in with abandaged head*
the nice men in the white coats told me not to bang my head on the wall anymores.

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: 0_0 *hides from men in white coat* THEY WANNA TAKE AWAY MY POWERS!

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: eh?

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: 0_.

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: *poke*

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: *explodes in a black cloud*

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: ooooh! *clapclapclap* doitagain! doitagain!

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: *sniff*

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: wot?

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: *lands on backside next to Surmia* The doit did what now?

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: *sniff**floats off*

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: Where? *looks round*

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: gyah?

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: *happy munch fro kitchen*...^_^

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: NOOOOOOOO! *sob*

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: *ish eating tobi*...^^

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: >.> whats Tobi?

2007-02-08 [Hiro Kitaki]: (naruto charater)

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: OMG YOU ATE TOBI!!! THATS ZETSUS JOB!!!!

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: >_> *hits Tobi out of your hands* NO! NO CANNABALISM!

2007-02-08 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: gah....we could be a sitcom....

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: *stops watching Black Books and looks up* what?

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: for the love of.....

2007-02-08 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: ..... *eats another cookie with Gaara*

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: NYOSAMAAA!

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: >_>

2007-02-08 [*akuma*]: RARW! *hugs kakashi plushie* how are we all?

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: in need of action.

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: What do you mean?

2007-02-08 [*akuma*]: what kind on action? X3

2007-02-08 [Surimia]: we need explosives.

2007-02-08 [Evolution X]: .... I can have some on friday. Hey Akuma how do you draw so well?

2007-02-08 [Iruvielle]: hello hello!!!! how are everyone today???

2007-02-08 [XxTsomexX]: im good! moms home so im happy.

Have you thought of joining the rp?

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: that's great that your mom's home!!!! and, actually, good timing, i was just looking at it.... thinking i might... i'm sort of going through rp withdrawl!!! :P

2007-02-09 [XxTsomexX]: yay!

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: there, i'm my ABSOLUTELY favorite character... lol... don't ask why... it's probably cuz of the Real Ninja's thingy on and the weird "i'm the only gay eskimo" thingy on! hahaha... good old Gai sensei!<3

2007-02-09 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: have you seen those??? they're positively hilarious!

2007-02-09 [XxTsomexX]: ive seen real ninjas, but not the newgrounds one :p

hey if your in an rp mood, my best one is The Tale of the Civilhood

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: well, actually, i have to go for now, but i'll be back on later.... and if you want to see the newgrounds one... just go to and type in the search thingy "Naruto_Eskimo" it's HILARIOUS! well, i'll ttyl!!!

2007-02-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD LMFAO!!

2007-02-09 [Surimia]: gaaaaah not the eskimo video!!!

2007-02-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-02-09 [Evolution X]: >.>

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: hahaha. oh come on, it's hilarious!!!! hahahaha! *starts singing the gay eskimo song*

2007-02-09 [*akuma*]: erm well i draw a lot, and have done for a while, practice i guess. ^_^ (response to evo)

2007-02-09 [Surimia]: *crawls away from the eskimo song*

2007-02-09 [*akuma*]: *also crawls away* XD
ha, i like the naruto fan flashes with all the different characters singing and dancing to songs XD

2007-02-09 [Surimia]: yup theyre funny

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: *dances randomly* i love the amv parody thingys people do... they are positively hilarious!!!!!

2007-02-09 [Surimia]: oh yeah :P
any of you seen narutowned?
tis hilarious. massive spoof of a billion amvs, plus original stuff.

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: don't think i've seen it.... what site it on? like, to see it....

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: kk, thankies! i shall go see it!!!!! =D

2007-02-09 [Surimia]: ;0

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: ok... that was simply THE most hilarious thing i've EVER seen!!!!!!! The best part is Gai and Lee looking like they're singing "We are men in tights" hahahaha

2007-02-09 [Surimia]: i know XD

2007-02-09 [Iruvielle]: *tackle glomps Gai* good old Gai...

2007-02-09 [Surimia]: he scares me.

2007-02-10 [Iruvielle]: lol.. he scared me at first... but now he just makes me laugh.... he's so unique, and different... and ridiculous.. so like me! hahaha

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